Making Your Contract Employees Feel Welcome

Employer Insights, Job Seekers

contract workers feel welcome

While it’s easy to focus most of your attention on your permanent staff, it can be detrimental to forget about the importance of welcoming your contract workers in the onboarding process! If contract employees are part of your workforce, there are many things you can do to that will make them feel welcome as they begin their jobs. Here are some ideas you can start implementing immediately to make your contract workers feel welcome:

Provide a welcome package.

The package may include a welcome letter from your leadership team, an orientation packet and a company calendar. You may also want to consider adding some fun elements to your welcome packages, such as a customized pen, notepad, or other token with your company logo. Welcome packages will show contract employees what your culture is about, make them feel included, and help them feel at home in their roles right away.

Organize a group lunch.

Giving your contract workers a chance to interact with one another can help them feel more comfortable at your organization right from the start. By hosting an on-site lunch for your contract employees, you’ll give them a chance to connect in an informal setting, as well as chat with full-time members of your team so they can ask questions and learn more about your culture. Typically, having a group lunch on the first day or week contract employees begin their jobs is ideal.

Pair contract workers with mentors.

Just because your contract workers aren’t permanent employees doesn’t mean they won’t require guidance and help on the job. To ensure your contract workers have the knowledge and tools to perform to their greatest abilities, it’s helpful to pair them up with mentors who can help them acclimate to their jobs. Introducing contract employees to their mentors on their first day on the job will make them feel more at ease as they adjust to your organization.

Making contract employees feel welcome can have a tremendous impact on all aspects of your workplace – from the way employees interact with one another to your bottom line. As the new year begins, being mindful about the needs of your contract workforce will allow them to achieve the best results for your organization.

Would you like to grow your contract workforce?

The INSPYR Solutions can help! Get in touch today and let our recruiting fulfill your temporary labor needs.

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