Don’t Lose Top Talent During the Hiring Process
Employer Insights
Everything you know about the hiring process gets reversed when you are trying to attract top talent. Instead of requiring the candidate to sell themselves to you, you are selling your company to the candidate. It requires an entirely different strategy, but if you want to fill your workforce with the best and the brightest, it’s essential that you learn to be flexible. Follow these tips and tricks to entice top talent to come and work for you.
Expedite the Process
Top candidates are typically weighing several offers from competing companies. That means the whole time they are working through your hiring process, they are being courted by someone else. If your process is long and drawn out, the candidate you are trying to attract could lose interest and decide to commit to someone else.
Improve the Interview
Since the candidate is typically the one in the hot seat, hiring managers don’t make much effort to improve the interview process. Interviewing top talent is different, though. An unpleasant, inefficient interview can seem like an insulting waste of time. Make sure the interview is brief, conducted by a qualified interviewer, held in a pleasant location, and focused on the issues that are most important to the candidate.
Negotiate Fairly
You have no hope of attracting top talent if you are not willing to offer fair levels of compensation. Make sure that your initial offer is at least on par with the prevailing wage for similar professionals in the same part of the country, and then work up from there. You may not be able to offer lots more money, but you can use extra vacation days, flexible scheduling, or tuition reimbursement to make your compensation package more appealing. If it comes down to a back and forth negotiation, make sure your company is unfailingly fair, respectful, and professional.
Highlight Your Company Culture
The best tech professionals can work just about anywhere. That means they get to choose the environment where they feel most comfortable, engaged, valued, and invested. Make sure that your hiring process highlights the best parts of your company culture and convinces the candidate that you share their goals and values. This takes more than just a slide show or a speech, however. You will need to show off your offices, introduce co-workers and managers, and give candidates a sense of the company’s past and future.
Lastly, you don’t want to miss out on top talent by appearing too pandering or fawning. This is still a professional relationship, and desperation is never a flattering quality. Find additional resources to help you identify and attract the very best recruits by working with INSPYR Solutions.

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