Skills to Look for When Hiring a Software Developer

Employer Insights

Hiring a Software Developer

Is your company looking to grow its software development team this year? Software developers are currently some of the most in-demand IT professionals on the market; however, not every software developer candidate is equal. When it comes to qualifications, there are some specific skills that set apart the most qualified software developers from the rest of the talent pool. Here are a few key skills to look out for when hiring a software developer:

Computer programming and coding.

Programming and coding remain integral components to most software development jobs, making it important that candidates are adept at using the most in-demand programming languages, such as Java, Python, and Ruby. The best candidates typically acquire experience through employment and online courses, or a combination of both. Assessing candidates’ resumes for these skills and asking about how they’ve applied them in the workplace will be instrumental to determining their ability to excel.

Problem-solving and critical thinking.

Getting a sense of a candidate’s ability to think critically is essential to their potential to navigate the many facets of a software development job. On any given day, software developers must create applications that meet company goals, address coding problems, and do all of this under tight deadlines. Software developers who are nimble at quickly adapting to their company’s needs – and crafting viable solutions to overcome challenges – will be best suited to keep up with the fast-paced nature of most IT environments.

Project management.

In any software development role, there is a constant flow of tasks and projects that need to be completed within a designated timeframe. Candidates with extensive project management experience will generally be best at handling a multitude of responsibilities while putting out fires that require urgent supervision. In general, the best software developers are those who can effectively prioritize projects without compromising the quality of their work.

Software development candidates who possess these strengths will be best equipped to handle your company’s software development needs. Most importantly, they’ll have the potential to be long-term members of your team, having a direct impact on retention within your organization.

Is your company in need of quality IT candidates?

Contact INSPYR Solutions and learn how our proven IT staffing solutions can help you build a top-tier software development team.

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