Skills to Assess in IT Job Candidates

Employer Insights

To truly identify highly qualified IT candidates, there are many factors to consider beyond what’s on paper. While technology skills and overall competence will always be paramount, it’s important you find individuals with soft skills to build a top-notch IT team. Below are some of the skills to look for in candidates who come through your doors.

Critical thinking.

The best IT pros are those who diligently search for and discover solutions to tech challenges faced by their organizations. It’s best to evaluate candidates not only for their tech skills, but their ability to think critically and thoughtfully about improving efficiencies and productivity outcomes. Critical thinking is a top skill all IT pros should demonstrate when looking ahead to the future and determining the best course of action for their department. Traits that indicate strong critical thinking skills include creativity and curiosity.


In any fast-paced healthcare environment, things can change in the blink of an eye. Your IT pros must be able to quickly adapt and have a flexible mindset on the job. Whether it’s a minor issue or a catastrophic problem affecting hundreds of employees, you want candidates who have experience working in environments where they had to be flexible and adjust their focus accordingly. To gauge this skill during interviews, ask candidates to provide examples of times they’ve dealt with unexpected or potentially disastrous situations.


Believe it or not, the best IT pros are those with strong communication skills (written and oral). On a regular basis, your IT team must interact with individuals at your organization in assisting them with questions and resolving issues. Assessing candidates’ communication styles during interviews will allow you to gauge how well they interact and articulate their thoughts and ideas. Remember, the way candidates communicate during interviews can strongly reflect how they’ll communicate on the job. A clear speaking voice, eye contact and positive body language all count!

By being mindful about the soft skills above during the interview process, you’ll achieve the best IT hiring outcomes for your IT department and ultimately your organization at large.

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