How to Transition Your Employees to Remote Work

Employer Insights

Working Remotely

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to have a multitude of effects on the world of work, companies have had no choice but to require employees to work remotely. Though this change may seem like a simple adjustment on the surface, a remote workforce has many moving parts that need to be effectively managed in order to function properly. As you help your team navigate this unprecedented time, here are two initial steps to ensure your employees make a smooth transition to remote work for the long term:

Establish a communication structure.

Unlike a typical workplace environment, working virtually no longer gives your employees easy access to simply walk into a manager’s office and discuss what’s on their mind. Therefore, it’s critical to establish a standard communications structure that allows your team members to engage with one another regularly at the same time. For example, this may involve a daily video meeting or weekly afternoon phone briefing to discuss updates, ask questions and regroup. Utilizing online collaboration tools like Slack or Teams can be a great way to keep communication flowing as well. Putting in place some standard protocols will keep lines of communication open among your employees while promoting regular engagement across all departments.

Provide ample training and support.

Rather than fighting the concept of remote work or treating it as a barrier to your team’s success, choosing to embrace virtual collaboration will inspire your employees to come together for the betterment of your organization. This involves providing your team with comprehensive training tools on how to effectively use virtual platforms to work together, share ideas and freely exchange information. It also requires offering ongoing access and support on how to use remote communications outlets so your employees are empowered to perform their jobs as they normally would in a physical work setting. 

Though the nature of remote work can certainly be an adjustment for your team, implementing the two-step process above can make the transition to a remote workforce as seamless as possible. Remember, your employees will appreciate any guidance and support you can provide them as they get used to their new work routine.    

Do you need more support for your remote workforce?

Get in touch with INSPYR Solutions so our team can help you get the staff you need and assist you with updating your infrastructure to match.

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