How to Network for Your Next Tech Job Like a Pro on LinkedIn

Career Advice, Employee Insights

How to Network for Your Next Tech Job Like a Pro on LinkedIn

Since it was launched in 2003, LinkedIn has become a valuable tool for networking, recruiting, and job hunting. Technology professionals looking for their next tech job will benefit greatly from building an impressive LinkedIn profile and presence. Utilizing the platform to network with industry peers positively impacts your personal brand and leverages connections for career advancement.

Before beginning any networking, it’s important to make sure your LinkedIn profile is ready to help you make a great impression. When updating your profile, the goal is to ensure anyone viewing your profile understands who you are, what you do, and why you’re a great connection. It’s helpful to think of your LinkedIn profile as a social resume. Make sure it’s up-to-date, accurate, clear, and concise. Those with complete profiles are many times more likely to receive opportunities through LinkedIn. Once your profile is ready, here’s how to network like a pro:

Make Valuable Connections

When building your network through LinkedIn, remember that it’s important to provide value to others in everything you do. Whether sending a connection request or personal message, provide a value pitch or an opportunity to connect-the-dots on why an individual should respond to you. A thoughtful and personalized message is guaranteed to increase responsiveness.

Your message doesn’t have to be a novel, just a friendly note explaining why you are reaching out. For example, it could be as simple as, “We both attended the University of Texas, and I am looking to connect with fellow Longhorns in my field.” The best messages also include a brief note on how you could support the person you are reaching out to.

Beyond connecting with people in your immediate circle, search for other relevant industry connections. Connecting with people in the same industry, with the same skill sets, or even those seeking the same tech jobs as it will help keep you updated on what is happening in the marketplace.

Join the Crowd

Groups are a great resource because they give you access to a large number of people interested in the same thing as you. When you start searching for groups to join on LinkedIn, it’s useful to think both local and national. Joining local or state groups allows you to connect with relevant and niche groups of individuals in your area while joining large groups puts you in contact with a wider range of people.

LinkedIn groups provide you the opportunity to gain valuable insight from industry experts and allow you to build genuine relationships and connections as you interact with other members. To find the right groups, search the groups tab for your metro area or state and for the same skill sets or technologies you use in your current role such as “Java Developers” or “Florida Developers.” It may take a little searching to find the right ones, but it’s easy to join the conversation once you do.

Be Relevant

While LinkedIn is a professional tool, don’t forget that it’s still a social media platform. In order to be relevant on social media, you have to be involved. Make sure you are posting useful, industry-related content on a regular basis and be sure to engage with your peers via their posts and updates. Be a cheerleader by congratulating your peers and helping other candidates in their tech job search – it goes a long way toward getting your name out there and making meaningful connections. If you’re searching for a new tech job, it’s helpful for you to remain top of mind by showing up on personal newsfeeds in a positive way.

Looking to Jumpstart Your Tech Job Search?

Polishing your profile and working on networking through LinkedIn will get you off to a great start, but working with experienced tech recruiters can help take your job search to the next level. Check out our current opportunities today to get started.

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