Rejoining the Tech Workforce? Three Tips to Help You Break Back In

Job Seekers

Rejoining the IT Workforce

There are many reasons you might be out of the workforce for while – helping care for a sick parent or child, starting or raising a family, or maybe you just needed a break. Whatever your reasons are for being unemployed, when it comes time to reenter the tech workforce things can seem overwhelming. But there are some things you can do that will help you break back in.

Start With a Solid Foundation

A good workforce re-entry plan starts with a solid foundation. Begin by deciding what you really want out of a new job. By doing so, you’re increasing your odds of finding a position that will not only be a good fit, but will keep your interest piqued for the long run.

Don’t Apply for Everything You See

You might think finding a job is just a numbers game; send out enough resumes and you’ll get something. But the reality is re-entering the workforce doesn’t work that way. If you’re sending out countless applications daily, it means you are not dedicating the appropriate time and effort into researching the role and the company you’re applying to.

When you find a job notice that appeals to you, do some research into the company. Then create a detailed application to suit the specific job you’re applying for. By editing your cover letter and resume to highlight how you are the best candidate for this particular position, you’ll find you get greater responses from fewer applications. When it comes to applying for jobs, think quality, not quantity.

Don’t Go It Alone

Self-reliance and independence are excellent personal qualities, but knowing when to ask for help is just as important. If you’re putting your best efforts into your job search but still aren’t getting interviews, it might be time for a different approach. And if you’re getting past the application stage and booking interviews, but not getting a job offer, it may be a sign you need to bring in a little extra help.

Consult career websites from reputable sources and read reference books by respected authors for additional help on how you can step up your job hunting game plan. Consider meeting face to face with a job search expert in the tech industry. Sometimes all you need is a fresh set of eyes to pinpoint areas where you can improve.

Ready to Find Your Dream Job?

If you’ve been job hunting for a while but haven’t landed the job of your dreams, talk to the talented team at INSPYR Solutions today. Let our passion and expertise put your application out front.

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