Resume Makeover: Advice for a Tech Pro

Job Seekers

Resume Tips and Tricks

In the competitive world of IT employment, your resume has to say a lot, and it has to say it fast.

A resume is the single most important tool for your job search and it’s what’s going to link you to your next dream job. Hiring managers, HR reps and recruiters all spend a micro second looking at each resume. If it’s good, you’ll make it to the next pile, if it’s not, it will make it in the trash.

There are certain nonnegotiable items, such as misspellings, numerous random jobs and unexplained employment gaps. All of these barriers are mistakes that many job seekers are unaware will hinder their chances of employment.

Red flags are the quickest way for hiring managers to rule out your resume. They often notice the bad before the good. So when drafting your resume, be sure to cover all the bases stated above in order to avoid getting tossed into the recycling bin.

It’s the little things you need to look out for. Here is a list of basic techniques you can do to make your resume clean and easy to read:

  • The font is always consistent
  • Alignment is the same throughout the whole page
  • Only bold your name and job titles, while italicizing the job positions and dates
  • Try to keep your resume on one page; more than one make it look cluttered

Don’t forget to add your own unique flair to your job duties. Focus on the positive and highlight what you can do that others aren’t as good at. Your personality should always shine through to set you apart from other job seekers and any hiring manager will appreciate the honesty that reflects on your awesome resume!

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