Breast Cancer Awareness Month
This October, we’re not only helping to raise awareness about breast cancer – we’re joining the fight by fundraising for the Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF) along with a company match. This organization is dedicated to ending breast cancer by helping to advance cutting-edge research in the field.
Breast cancer is a devastating disease that accounts for about 30% of all new female cancers each year. In the U.S., it’s the most common cancer in women except for skin cancers. While rare, men can get breast cancer too. Because it affects so many people, it’s important to learn the signs, risk factors, and ways to reduce your risk.
Signs and symptoms can include, but are not limited to breast swelling, skin dimpling, new or unusual pain, changes to the skin, swollen lymph nodes, new masses or lumps, and unusual nipple discharge. While some of these symptoms can be related to other conditions, it’s important to get checked out by a medical professional, if you notice unusual changes. For a comprehensive guide to signs and symptoms, check out this guide by the American Cancer Society.
Risk factors for breast cancer can include factors you cannot change, such as being born female, family history, having certain breast conditions, and genetics. However, there are some lifestyle-related risks such as alcohol intake, weight, and physical activity levels that you can work on that may help lower your risk. Speak with your doctor to learn more about your risks and what you can do about them.
When it comes to breast cancer, prevention and early detection are key. National Mammography Day is October 20th, a reminder to get your mammogram if you are eligible. Mammograms and other screening tests can help catch breast cancer early.
Our teams will wear pink on Wednesdays throughout October to highlight breast cancer awareness as we raise funds to help the cause. If you wish to help out, we encourage you to join the fight by giving to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation here.
Breast Cancer Resources:
- American Cancer Society: Breast Cancer
- American Cancer Society: 7 Things to Know About Mammograms
- Breast Cancer Research Foundation: Statistics & Resources
- CDC: Breast Cancer Awareness
- CDC: Breast Cancer in Men
This information is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice or professional services. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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