3 Signs that You’ve Outgrown Your IT Job
Career Advice, Employee Insights, Job Seekers
Are you fed up with your IT job? If you’re experiencing feelings of apathy or even resentment, this might be a sign that you’ve outgrown your current IT job. Here are some indicators that it’s time to seek out a different tech opportunity:
You’re Bored
It’s normal to feel under-stimulated at work on occasion. On the other hand, constant feelings of boredom or idleness are a sure sign that you’ve outgrown your IT job. To get a better feel, ask yourself some questions:
- Are you overqualified for your role?
- Have you been given adequate responsibility?
- Have your interests and/or values changed since taking on your current role?
Depending on your the answers, you may need a change in order for you to feel fulfilled in your career. One way to combat boredom at work is to ask for more responsibility. Ask for a role change, a promotion, or even a department shift. If you’ve attempted to take on more responsibility but still face under-stimulation, it may be time to seek out a new and improved IT job.
You’re Stagnant
Boredom is one thing, but being busy doing the same thing over and over again is a whole different story. If you find yourself repeating similar tasks daily, this could be a sign that it’s time to move on. In order to evolve, you must take on opportunities that keep you on your toes. If your current IT role presents little to no room for professional development, this is a red flag warning you to seek a new tech job. Just like with feelings of boredom, feelings of stagnancy at work can sometimes be resolved by seeking out further opportunities to make a meaningful contribution. But if you’ve tried to do so with little to no luck, this is a sign that you’ve outgrown your IT job.
You’re Angry
Like in any aspect of life, feelings of boredom and stagnancy often lead to frustration and even anger. These feelings can intensify if you’ve tried to resolve these shortcomings with minimal improvement. Are you feeling angry about going to work each day? Are you angry at your coworkers? These are signs that you’ve outgrown your IT job. Work takes up significant time and energy in your life. This is true not only professionally, but also personally, so it’s vital that you’re feeling fulfilled and happy in your tech role. If your current IT job isn’t making you feel excited to get up in the morning, there’s another tech opportunity out there that will reinvigorate your passion for the IT industry. With that being said, if you’re experiencing any of the signs above, you might just be ready for a new IT job!
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